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When is a Real Estate Agent a REALTOR®





REALTOR®: A real estate agent who is a member of the National Association of  REALTORS®, which means that he or she must uphold the standards of the association and its code of ethics.


If you have an issue that you would like to resolve immediately, you may benefit by utilizing the services of an OMBUDSMAN.   Ombudsmen are trained REALTORS® that may help identify and clear up any miscommunication between a party and their agent, they will discuss options without judgment,  and explain customary Arizona real estate business practices.  See more at:

ETHICS COMPLAINT.  REALTORS® pledge to abide by the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® (NAR) Code of Ethics, or code of conduct. The enforcement of the REALTOR® Code of Ethics is the responsibility of the REALTOR® Association. Any person, whether a REALTOR® or not that believes a member is guilty of any conduct subject to disciplinary action may file a complaint in writing to AAR as it relates to the NAR Code of Ethics. – See more at:

AAR’s MEDIATION PROGRAM offers an opportunity for parties involved in an ethics complaint or arbitration dispute to settle the matter with the aid of a neutral third-party REALTOR® mediator. Resolving ethics complaints or arbitration disputes through mediation is more expedient, less costly and more amicable then a hearing.  Both parties have an opportunity to be heard, discuss the issues and mutually agree on a settlement. AAR’s success rate, in 2012, was 100 percent resolution for all mediations held. – See more at:

AAR’s ARBITRATION PROGRAM is in place when two REALTORS® have a business dispute. The facts are presented to a panel and the panel makes the final decision issuing a legal binding award if appropriate.

AAR recommends you first consider mediation of a business dispute to resolve your issue prior to choosing arbitration.