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What is an Affiliate Member?

Affiliate members are individuals who are interested in the real estate business, but do not hold a real estate or appraisal license. Examples might include: lenders, title representatives, real estate attorneys, photographers, virtual tour providers, course instructors, governmental entities, etc.

Below is a list of benefits offered to Affiliate Members.


This is a great opportunity to network with other real estate professionals!  Sponsorship opportunities are available.


LHAR offers a variety of seminars, weekly marketing meetings and quarterly membership meetings concerning industry topics and trends. Affiliate members receive special discounted course rates and sponsorship opportunities are available.

Affiliates also contribute and participate in an Affiliate Expo and REALTOR® Olympics events.

Access to News & Programs

Weekly notices, the LHAR Newsletter, Mass E-Mail, Statistical reports, Calendar of Events, Membership rosters, etc.

Affiliate Service Guide

An online roster of all Affiliate members and their area of service to the real estate industry.

Membership Roster/Mailing Labels

Members may order mailing labels in an electronic form and rosters for specific membership types at a special member rate.

Meeting Rooms

Rooms at the Association office are available for rent at special rates for members. This includes a 230-seat convention center furnished with complete audio and video equipment;  a Board Room for groups of 15 or less; and a classroom that can accommodate up to 30 people or less.

Click  pdf HERE (184 KB) to become an Affiliate.