Credited Classes
Date: Thursday, August 24th, 2023
Time: 8:45am - 12:00pm
C.E. Credits: 3 Disclosure
Cost: REALTOR® MEMBER - $20 Early | $40 Late NON-REALTOR® MEMBER - $40 Early | $60 Late
Type: AAR Classes
Instructor(s): Sally & Mike Liddicoat
Early registration runs thru 8/16 | Late registration after 8/16
Registration closes 8/20 by midnight
Laying the groundwork for the road ahead...
As a real estate agent, you owe certain fiduciary duties to your client, one being disclosure. Learn how to incorporate various disclosure documents while in the process of conducting a Buyer Consultation.
Date: Tuesday, August 29th, 2023
Time: 8:45am - 12:00pm
C.E. Credits: 3 Commissioner\'s Standards / Also meets NAR COE requirement
Cost: REALTOR® MEMBER - $20 Early | $40 Late NON-REALTOR® MEMBER - $40 Early | $60 Late
Type: AAR Classes
Instructor: Keri Means
Early registration runs thru 8/21 | Late registration after 8/21
Registration closes 8/25 by midnight
Review the Code of Ethics and Commissioner's Rules and why they are essential. Learn what to do if you encounter a violation against the Code of Ethics.
Date: Tuesday, September 5th, 2023
Time: All Day
C.E. Credits:3 Fair Housing / 3 Legal Issues
Cost: REALTOR® - $59 Early/$79 Late| rCRMS Grad - $40 Non REALTOR® - $79 Early| $99 Late
Type: rCRMS Classes
Instructor: MArge Lindsay/ Jesi Wolnik, Esq.
Class Schedule is as follows:
Tuesday, 9/5 from 12:45pm - 4pm / Wednesday, 9/6 from 8:45am-Noon
Early registration runs thru 8/28 | Late registration after 8/28
Registration closes by midnight on 9/1
Get an interactive and detailed look at federal issues that impact a real estate transaction, including antitrust, RESPA, and fair housing from an attorney and REALTOR perspective.
Designation Information:
To learn more about the rCRMS certification, visit:
To learn more about the GRI program, visit:
Date: Tuesday, September 5th, 2023
Time: All Day
C.E. Credits:3 Fair Housing / 3 Legal Issues
Cost: REALTOR® - $59 Early/$79 Late| rCRMS Grad - $40 Non REALTOR® - $79 Early| $99 Late
Type: rCRMS Classes
Instructor: MArge Lindsay/ Jesi Wolnik, Esq.
Class Schedule is as follows:
Tuesday, 9/5 from 12:45pm - 4pm / Wednesday, 9/6 from 8:45am-Noon
Early registration runs thru 8/28 | Late registration after 8/28
Registration closes by midnight on 9/1
Get an interactive and detailed look at federal issues that impact a real estate transaction, including antitrust, RESPA, and fair housing from an attorney and REALTOR perspective.
Designation Information:
To learn more about the rCRMS certification, visit:
To learn more about the GRI program, visit:
Date: Friday, September 15th, 2023
Time: 8:45am - 12:00pm
C.E. Credits: 3 Fair Housing
Cost: $20 Early / $40 Late
Type: CRPM
Instructor: Mike Mulvena
REALTOR Member - $20 thru 9/7 | $40 after 9/7
Non-REALTOR Member - $40 thru 9/7 | $60 after 9/7
*Registration closes September 11th by midnight
Designation Information: (Fulfills for CRPM)
CERTIFIED RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY MANAGER: AZ REALTORS® certification program is dedicated to property management and offers classes that you can use for your real estate license renewal. This program was designed to hone your knowledge and skills in topics that relate to your day to day business as a property manager. The curriculum was developed in concert with property management attorneys and longtime property management practitioners. To learn more, visit:
*This certification program is not affiliated with or endorsed by the National Association of REALTORS
Date: Thursday, September 21st, 2023 - Friday, September 22nd, 2023
Time: 8:45am - 12:00pm
C.E. Credits: 6 General
Cost: (See Description below for pricing)
Type: GRI
Instructor: Patrick Ritchie
REALTOR® Member - $59 thru 9/13 | $79 after 9/13 | GRI Graduate (you already have your GRI) - $30
Non REALTOR® Member - $89 thru 9/13 | Late $109 after 9/13
*Reg closes September 17th by midnight
Do you understand financing enough to help your clients through the real estate transaction? This course will cover the life cycle of the loan process from pre-qualification through close of escrow.
Designation Information: (This class fulfills row 4 or 12 for GRI)
To learn more about the GRI Designation, visit:
Date: Thursday, September 21st, 2023 - Friday, September 22nd, 2023
Time: 8:45am - 12:00pm
C.E. Credits: 6 General
Cost: (See Description below for pricing)
Type: GRI
Instructor: Patrick Ritchie
REALTOR® Member - $59 thru 9/13 | $79 after 9/13 | GRI Graduate (you already have your GRI) - $30
Non REALTOR® Member - $89 thru 9/13 | Late $109 after 9/13
*Reg closes September 17th by midnight
Do you understand financing enough to help your clients through the real estate transaction? This course will cover the life cycle of the loan process from pre-qualification through close of escrow.
Designation Information: (This class fulfills row 4 or 12 for GRI)
To learn more about the GRI Designation, visit:
Date: Tuesday, September 26th, 2023
Time: 8:45am - 12:00pm
C.E. Credits: 3 Contract Law
Cost: REALTOR® MEMBER - $20 Early| $40 Late NON REALTOR® MEMBER - $40 Early|$60 Late
Type: AAR Classes
Instructor: Christin Mack
Early registration runs thru 9/18 | Late registration after 9/18
Registration closes September 22nd by midnight
Dive in and review key sections of the contract along with examples of contract issues that cause the most misunderstandings. You will leave having a better understanding of how to ensure your contract reflects your buyer's offer and how to bet protect your clients intentions.
Date: Thursday, September 28th, 2023
Time: 8:45am - 12:00pm
C.E. Credits: 3 Agency
Cost: REALTOR® MEMBER - $20 Early|$40 Late NON REALTOR® MEMBER - $40 Early|$60 Late
Type: AAR Classes
Instructor: Kathy Laswick
Early registration runs thru 9/20 | Late registration after 9/20
Registration closes September 24th by midnight
Understand agency issues and obligations in Arizona including overviews of claims, breach of contract and other agency related forms.
Tuesday, October 10th, 2023 - Wednesday, October 11th, 2023 | 8:45am - 12:00pm
C.E. Credits: 6 Disclosure
REALTOR Member - $69 Early / $89 Late
Early registration runs thru 10/2 | Late registration after 10/2
Registration closes by midnight on 10/6
Explore how to fulfill your disclosure obligations in a real estate transaction and explore the due diligence responsibilities of the parties from an attorney and REALTOR® perspective.
(Fulfills a CORE COURSE category for rCRMS and row 12 for GRI)
For more information on the rCRMS certification, visit:
For more information on the GRI Designation, visit:
*This certification program is not affiliated with or endorsed by the National Association of REALTORS®
Tuesday, October 10th, 2023 - Wednesday, October 11th, 2023 | 8:45am - 12:00pm
C.E. Credits: 6 Disclosure
REALTOR Member - $69 Early / $89 Late
Early registration runs thru 10/2 | Late registration after 10/2
Registration closes by midnight on 10/6
Explore how to fulfill your disclosure obligations in a real estate transaction and explore the due diligence responsibilities of the parties from an attorney and REALTOR® perspective.
(Fulfills a CORE COURSE category for rCRMS and row 12 for GRI)
For more information on the rCRMS certification, visit:
For more information on the GRI Designation, visit:
*This certification program is not affiliated with or endorsed by the National Association of REALTORS®
Friday, October 13th, 2023 | 8:45am - 12:00pm
C.E. Credits: 3 Legal Issues
Instructor: Denise Holliday, Esq.
REALTOR Member - $20 thru 10/5 | $40 after 10/5
This course will review residential property maintenance issues impacting residential rentals and distinguish between landlord, property manager and tenant responsibilities/obligations according to the Landlord Tenant Act and Lease Agreement.
(Fulfills the ELECTIVE course for CRPM)
CERTIFIED RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY MANAGER: AZ REALTORS® certification program is dedicated to property management and offers classes that you can use for your real estate license renewal. This program was designed to hone your knowledge and skills in topics that relate to your day to day business as a property manager. The curriculum was developed in concert with property management attorneys and longtime property management practitioners. To learn more, visit:
*This certification program is not affiliated with or endorsed by the National Association of REALTORS
Thursday, October 19th, 2023 - Friday, October 20th, 2023 | 8:45am - 12:00pm
CE Credits: 6 Agency
REALTOR Member - $59 thru 10/11 | $79 after 10/11 | GRI Graduate (you already have your GRI) - $30
*Reg closes October 15th by midnight
Understanding where you and the prospect stand with each other is the first step to a successful and lawful client relationship. Gain the confidence you need through the understanding of AGENCY. This key concept is the first element to any conversation you have with the public. You will understand the differences between single agency, limited representation, and the dangers of implied agency.
This class fulfills row 11 or 12 for GRI)
To learn more about the GRI Designation, visit:
Date: Tuesday, October 24th, 2023
Time: 8:45am - 12:00pm
C.E. Credits: 3 Agency / Also meets NAR Code of Ethic requirement
Cost: REALTOR® MEMBER - $20 Early | $40 Late NON REALTOR® MEMBER - $40 Early | $60 Late
Type: AAR Classes
Early registration runs thru 10/16 | Late registration after 10/16
Registration closes October 20th by midnight
Define and demonstrate Agency relationship expectations, fiduciary responsibilities, and how NAR's Pathways to Professionalism related to our Code of Ethics.
Thursday, October 26th, 2023 | 8:45am - 12:00pm
CE Credits: 3 Commissioner\'s Standards/Meets NAR COE Requirement
Instructor: Butch Leiber
REALTOR MEMBER - $20 Early | $40 Late NON REALTOR MEMBER-$40 Early|$60 Late
Early registration runs thru 10/18 | Late registration after 10/18
Registration closes October 22nd by midnight
Description: Real Estate agents must abide by state law. REALTORS® agree to abide by the Code of Ethics. This class discusses the issues agents deal with that they don't know can impact their ability to do business.
Thursday, November 2nd, 2023 | 8:45am - 12:00pm
CE Credits: 3 Contract Law
Instructor: Kathy Laswick
REALTOR® MEMBER - $20 Early | $40 Late NON REALTOR® MEMBER - $40 Early| $60 Late
Early registration runs thru 10/25 | Late registration after 10/25
Registration closes October 29th by midnight
Description: Avoid delays and misunderstanding in your transaction through the proper use of forms. This class will discuss the forms and addenda related to the AAR Residential Resale Real Estate Purchase Contract. Review through scenario discussions, you will learn which form and addenda would fit the situation.
Wednesday, November 8th, 2023 - Thursday, November 8th, 2023 | 8:45am - 12:00pm
CE Credits: 3 Commissioner\'s Standards / 3 Legal Issues / Also meets NAR COE Requirement
Instructor: Mike Mulvena
REALTOR® Member - $59 thru 10/31 | $79 after 10/31 | GRI Graduate (you already have your GRI) - $30
NON REALTOR® Member - $89 thru 10/31|Late $109 after 10/31
*Reg closes November 4th by midnight
Description: Let your professionalism shine. Learn how to apply the Code of Ethics in your day to day practice to enhance your professionalism.
(This class fulfills row 8 for GRI)
To learn more about the GRI Designation, visit:
Date: Tuesday, December 5th, 2023 - Wednesday, December 6th, 2023
Time: 8:45am - 12:00pm
C.E. Credits: 3 Agency / 3 Commissioner's Standards
Cost: REALTOR® Member - $59 Early / $79 Late Non REALTOR® Member - $79 Early / $99 Late
Type: rCRMS Classes
Instructor: Rick Mack, Esq. / Jim SextonDescription
Early registration runs thru 11/27 | Late registration after 11/27
Registration closes by midnight on December 1st
CRMS Graduate Registration Fee - $40
Many disputes arise when there is a failure to understand the terms of employment agreements and what constitutes an appropriate standard of care agency relationship.
Designation Information
(Fulfills a CORE COURSE for rCRMS and row 11 or 12 for GRI)
For more information on the rCRMS certification, visit:
For more information on the GRI Designation, visit:
*This certification program is not affiliated with or endorsed by the National Association of REALTORS®
Date: Tuesday, December 5th, 2023 - Thursday, December 7th, 2023
Time: 12:45pm - 4:00pm
C.E. Credits: 3 Contract Law / 3 Fair Housing
Cost: REALTOR® Member - $69 Early / $89 Late Non REALTOR® Member - $89 Early / $109 Late
Type: CRPM
Instructor: Denise Holliday, Esq. / Mike MulvenaDescription
Wait list?
Please contact Kimberly at:
Class schedule:
Day One - December 5th from 12:45PM - 4PM
Day Two - December 7th from 8:45AM - Noon
(Both class days must be attended in full to receive any credit offering)
Early registration runs thru 11/27 | Late registration after 11/27
Registration closes December 1st by midnight
Test your knowledge of property management in this all scenario based discussion class.
Designation Information
(Fulfills the Bootcamp course for CRPM and row 12 for GRI)
CERTIFIED RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY MANAGER: Arizona REALTORS® certification program is dedicated to property management and offers classes that you can use for your real estate license renewal. This program was designed to hone your knowledge and skills in topics that relate to your day to day business as a property manager. The curriculum was developed in concert with property management attorneys and longtime property management practitioners. To learn more, visit:
To learn more about the GRI Designation, visit:
*This certification program is not affiliated with or endorsed by the National Association of REALTORS®
Date:Thursday, December 7th, 2023
Time:10:00am - 1:00pm
C.E. Credits: 3 Fair Housing
Cost: (See description below for registration process)
Type: NAR Designations/Certifications
Instructor: Laura KovacsDescription
Registration closes 12/6 by NOON
REALTORS® are committed to abiding by fair housing laws and the Code of Ethics. But sometimes, our brains take shoretcuts that can lead us astray. You'll learn about the mind science of identity and help foster business relationships with clients of all backgrounds.
Designation Information
For more information, visit:
For more information on the GRI designation, visit:
Date: Wednesday, December 13th, 2023 - Thursday, December 14th, 2023
Time: 8:45am - 12:00pm
C.E. Credits: 3 Agency / 3 Disclosure
Cost: (See description below for pricing)
Type: GRI
Instructor: Keri Means
Description: REALTOR® Member - $59 thru 12/5 | $79 after 12/5 | GRI Graduate (you already have your GRI) - $30
Non REALTOR® Member - $89 thru 12/5 | $109 after 12/5
*Registration closes December 9th by midnight
Learn the impact property issues have on a transaction and how to avoid them blowing up the deal. Understanding the pros and cons of property characteristics will help you manage the expectations of your buyer or seller.
Designation Information
(This class fulfills row 6 for GRI)
To learn more about the GRI Designation, visit:
Date: Wednesday, December 13th, 2023
Time: 11:30am - 2:30pm
C.E. Credits: 3 Hours General Real Estate Credit
Cost: $29TypeAAR Events
Instructor: Brent Lancaster
Date: December 13, 2023 (Wed) | Time: 11:30am - 2:30pm (Mountain Standard Time)
Instructor: Brent Lancaster
Pricing property is the single most important aspect of listing real estate. Even in today's market, failing to price property correcty can cost your seller thousands. This course covers the most common mistakes agents (and sellers) make when pricing property.
*This course is offered in partnership with: Lancaster Institute
Date: Thursday, December 14th, 2023
Time: 8:30am - 12:30pm
C.E. Credits: 3 Hours Legal Issues
Cost: (See pricing information in description below)
Type: CRPM
Instructor: Guest Speakers: Sue Flucke / Denise Holliday, Esq.
Registration Fees:
Early registration by December 4th - $29
General registration, December 5-10th - $39
Registration closes by midnight, December 10th
The Property Management Summit gives you an opportunity to learn and discover current issues and uncover industry insights to minimize your business risks as well as navigate common issues you face with landlords and tenants.
The line up of speakers are:
Commissioner Nicolson | ADRE Updates
Denise Holliday, Esq. & Matthew Contorelli | Legal & LegislativeUpdates | Denise Holliday, Esq. | Tenant Issues
Jesi Wolnik, Esq. | Title Fraud Affecting Rental Properties
Clark Sanchez | Renters Insurance & Landlords
Steve Urie | National Trends
*There will also be an open Q&A
Designation Information
(Fulfills the Landlord Tenant & Legal Issues Course for CRPM)
CERTIFIED RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY MANAGER (CRPM): Arizona REALTORS® certification program is dedicated to property management and offers classes that you can use for your real estate license renewal. This program was designed to hone your knowledge and skills in topics that relate to your day to day business as a property manager. The curriculum was developed in concert with property management attorneys and longtime property management practitioners. To learn more, visit:
Date: Friday, December 15th, 2023
Time: 8:00am - 11:00am
C.E. Credits: 3 Hours Commissioner's Standards / Also meets NAR COE requirement
Cost: $29
Type: AAR Events
Instructor: Brent Lancaster
Date: December 15, 2023 (Fri) | Time: 8am - 11am (Mountain Standard Time)
Instructor: Brent Lancaster
This course will review the history of the Code of Ethics as it relates to its origins, its influence on state licensing laws and its establishment of arbitrations as the monetary disput resolution process between REALTORS®. Discuss and apply the REALTOR® Code of Ethics Articles to everyday real estate practices.
*This course is offered in partnership with: Lancaster Institute
Date: Friday, December 22nd, 2023
Time: 8:00am - 11:00am
C.E. Credits: 3 Hours General Real Estate Credit
Cost: $29
Type: AAR Events
Instructor: Brent Lancaster
Date: December 22, 2023 (Fri) | Time: 8am - 11am (Mountain Standard Time)
Instructor: Brent Lancaster
Learn to be familiar with the Equal Credit Opportunity Act. Identify the differences and similarities between the three credit reporting agencies to know what is included and excluded in a free credit report. Review how to property read a credit report, how to spot errors, and who to contact to get those errors corrected. We will investigate the truth behind credit myths agents and borrowers have such as, "why all debt is not treated equal" and "closing old accounts will help my credit score."
*This course is offered in partnership with: Lancaster Institute
Date: Wednesday, December 27th, 2023
Time: 8:00am - 11:00am
C.E. Credits: 3 Hours General Real Estate Credit
Cost: $29
Type: AAR Events
Instructor: Brent Lancaster
Date: December 27, 2023 (Wed) | Time: 8am - 11am (Mountain Standard Time)
Instructor: Brent Lancaster
This is an in-depth analysis of the data provided by REALTORS® Property Resource (RPR). Review and discuss several features within RPR including Comp Analysis, Searching Distressed Properties, Mapping Tools, Market Activity Reports and more. Learn the importance of using RPR in your business so that you can differentiate yourself from the competition and provide knowledge to your clients.
*This course is offered in partnership with: Lancaster Institute
Date: Thursday, January 11th, 2024 - Friday, January 12th, 2024
Time: 8:45am - 12:00pm
C.E. Credits: 6 Disclosure
Cost: REALTOR® Member - $59 Early / $79 Late Non REALTOR® Member - $79 Early / $99 Late
Type: rCRMS Classes
Instructor: Kathy Laswick | Michelle Lind, Esq.
Early registration runs thru 1/3 | Late registration after 1/3
Registration closes by midnight on January 7th
CRMS Graduate Registration Fee - $40
Explore how to fulfill your disclosure obligations in a real estate transaction and explore the due diligence responsibilities of the parties from a REALTOR® and an attorney perspective.
Designation Information
(Fulfills a CORE course for rCRMS and Row 12 for GRI)
For more information on the rCRMS certification, visit:
For more information on the GRI designation, visit:
*This certification program is not affiliated with or endorsed by the National Association of REALTORS®
Date: Friday, January 19th, 2024
Time: 8:45am - 12:00pm
C.E. Credits: 3 Hours Agency
Cost: REALTOR® Member - $20 Early / $40 Late | Non REALTOR® Member - $40 Early / $60 Late
Type: CRPM
Instructor: Steve Urie
Early registration runs thru 1/11 | Late registration after 1/11
Registration closes January 15th by midnight
Do you show prospective tenants homes? Are you a property manager who encourages, "you show, we do the rest?" Then this is the class for you!
Designation Information
(Fulfills the AGENCY course for CRPM)
CERTIFIED RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY MANAGER: Arizona REALTORS® certification program is dedicated to property management and offers classes that you can use for your real estate license renewal. This program was designed to hone your knowledge and skills in topics that relate to your day to day business as a property manager. The curriculum was developed in concert with property management attorneys and longtime property management practitioners. To learn more, visit:
To learn more about the GRI Designation, visit:
*This certification program is not affiliated with or endorsed by the National Association of REALTORS®
Date: Tuesday, January 23rd, 2024
Time: 8:45am - 12:00pm
C.E. Credits: 3 Hours Agency
Cost: REALTOR® MEMBER - $20 Early | $40 Late | NON REALTOR® MEMBER - $40 Early | $60 Late
Type: AAR Classes
Instructor: Sally & Mike Liddicoat
Early registration runs thru 1/15 | Late registration after 1/15
Registration closes January 19th by midnight
Take a fun look at how agency began, how to properly represent your client and cover some of the ridiculous ways agents get themselves in trouble with thier clients, brokers, and more.
Date: Tuesday, January 23rd, 2024
Time: 12:45pm - 4:00pm
C.E. Credits: 3 Commissioner's Standards | Also meets NAR COE requirement
Cost: REALTOR® Member - $20 Early / $40 Late | Non-REALTOR® Member - $40 Early | $60 Late
Type: CRPM
Instructor: Mike Tiers
Early registration thru 1/15 | Late registration after 1/15
Registration closes by midnight on 1/19
Do you think the NAR Code of Ethics doesn’t apply to property management? You’d be wrong. The NAR Code of Ethics applies to your day to day activity in countless ways and violating it can be costly.
Designation Information
(Fulfills the CODE OF ETHICS course for CRPM)
CERTIFIED RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY MANAGER: Arizona REALTORS® certification program is dedicated to property management and offers classes that you can use for your real estate license renewal. This program was designed to hone your knowledge and skills in topics that relate to your day to day business as a property manager. The curriculum was developed in concert with property management attorneys and longtime property management practitioners. To learn more, visit:
*This certification program is not affiliated with or endorsed by the National Association of REALTORS®
Date: Wednesday, January 31st, 2024
Time:12:45pm - 4:00pm
C.E. Credits: 3 Hours Agency
Cost: REALTOR® MEMBER - $20 Early | $40 Late | NON-REALTOR® MEMBER - $40 Early | $60 Late
Type: AAR Classes
Instructor: Gary Nelson
Early registration runs thru 1/23 | Late registration after 1/23
Registration closes January 27th by midnight
An in depth look of how to use your agency relationships and standardized forms to achieve Procuring Cause in your transactions.
Date: Tuesday, February 6th, 2024 - Wednesday, February 7th, 2024
Time: 8:45am - 12:00pm
C.E. Credits: 6 Hours Agency
Cost: (See Description below for pricing)
Type: GRI
Instructor: Don Martin
REALTOR® Member - $59 thru 1/29 | $79 after | GRI Graduate (you already have your GRI) - $30
Non REALTOR® Member - $89 thru 1/29 | $109 after
*Reg closes February 2nd by midnight
Understanding where you and the prospect stand with each other is the first step to a successful and lawful client relationship. Gain the confidence you need through the understanding of AGENCY. This key concept is the first element to any conversation you have with the public. You will understand the differences between single agency, limited representation, and the dangers of implied agency.
Designation Information
(This class fulfills row 3 or 12 for GRI)
To learn more about the GRI Designation, visit:
Date: Friday, February 9th, 2024 (Zoom)
Time: 8:45am - 12:00pm
C.E. Credits: 3 Hours Contract Law
Cost: REALTOR® Member - $20 Early / $40 Late | Non REALTOR® Member - $40 Early / $60 Late
Type: CRPM
Instructor: Denise Holliday
Early registration runs thru 2/1 | Late registration after 2/1
Registration closes February 5th by midnight
Designation Information
(Fulfills the Contract Law course for CRPM)
CERTIFIED RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY MANAGER: Arizona REALTORS® certification program is dedicated to property management and offers classes that you can use for your real estate license renewal. This program was designed to hone your knowledge and skills in topics that relate to your day to day business as a property manager. The curriculum was developed in concert with property management attorneys and longtime property management practitioners. To learn more, visit:
To learn more about the GRI Designation, visit:
*This certification program is not affiliated with or endorsed by the National Association of REALTORS®
Date: Thursday, February 15th, 2024 - Friday, February 16th, 2024 (Zoom)
Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm
C.E. Credits: 3 Agency Law | 3 Commissioner's Standards
Cost: REALTOR® Member - $59 Early / $79 Late Non REALTOR® Member - $79 Early / $99 Late
Type: rCRMS Classes
Instructor: Marge Lindsay| Jesi Wolnik, Esq.
Early registration runs thru 2/7 | Late registration after 2/7
Registration closes by midnight on February 11th
Many disputes arise when there is a failure to understand the terms of employment agreements and what constitutes an appropriate standard of care agency relationship.
Designation Information
(Fulfills a CORE course for rCRMS and Row 11 or 12 for GRI)
For more information on the rCRMS certification, visit:
For more information on the GRI designation, visit:
*This certification program is not affiliated with or endorsed by the National Association of REALTORS®
Date: Thursday, February 22nd, 2024 (ZOOM)
Time: 8:45am - 12:00pm
C.E. Credits: 3 Hours Disclosure
Cost: REALTOR® Member - $20 Early / $40 Late | Non-REALTOR® Member - $40 Early | $60 Late
Type: CRPM
Instructor: Sue Flucke
Description: Early registration through 2/14 | Late registration after 2/14 Registration closes by midnight on 2/18
Identify how the Arizona REALTORS® Disclosure Forms can help avoid risks, protect landlords/tenants/property managers and avoid being in non-compliance.
Designation Information
(Fulfills the DISCLOSURE course for CRPM)
CERTIFIED RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY MANAGER: Arizona REALTORS® certification program is dedicated to property management and offers classes that you can use for your real estate license renewal. This program was designed to hone your knowledge and skills in topics that relate to your day to day business as a property manager. The curriculum was developed in concert with property management attorneys and longtime property management practitioners. To learn more, visit:
*This certification program is not affiliated with or endorsed by the National Association of REALTORS®
Date: Thursday, February 22nd, 2024
Time: 12:45pm - 4:00pm
C.E. Credits: 3 Hours Disclosure
Cost: REALTOR® MEMBER - $20 Early | $40 Late NON REALTOR® MEMBER - $40 Early | $60 Late
Type: AAR Classes
Instructor: Keri Means
Description: Early registration runs through 2/14 | Late registration after 2/14 Registration closes February 18th by midnight
Gain a competitive edge in real estate with the BINSR: Protect Your Client class, where you'll master the art of navigating disclosures and repairs, selecting inspectors, and staying compliant with knowing statutes. Equip yourself with the knowledge and skills to safegaurd your clients interests and elevate your expertise in every transaction.
Date: Tuesday, February 27th, 2024
Time: 8:45am - 12:00pm
C.E. Credits: 3 Hours Contract Law
Cost: REALTOR® MEMBER - $20 Early | $40 Late | NON REALTOR® MEMBER - $40 Early | $60 Late
Type: AAR Classes
Instructor: Derek Anglin
Description: Early registration runs through 2/19 | Late registration after 2/19 Registration closes February 23rd by midnight
Learn how to represent your buyers when working with home builders in today's market. We'll go over the AAR READE form, Buyer Broker Esclusive, Market Conditions Advisory and the Buyer Advisory. Also review sample builder registrations, co-broke and miscellaneous builder documents.
Date: Thursday, March 7th, 2024 - Friday, March 8th, 2024
Time: 8:45am - 12:00pm
C.E. Credits: 6 General
Cost: (See Description below for pricing)
Type: GRI
Instructor: Jimmy Vercellino
REALTOR® Member - $59 through 2/28 | $79 after 2/28 | GRI Graduate (you already have your GRI) - $30
Non REALTOR® Member - $89 through 2/28 | Late $109 after 2/28
*Registration closes 3/3 by midnight
Do you understand financing enough to help your clients through the real estate transaction? This course will cover the life cycle of the loan process from pre-qualification through close of escrow.
Designation Information: (This class fulfills row 4 or 12 for GRI)
To learn more about the GRI Designation, visit:
Date: Thursday, March 14th, 2024
Time: 8:45am - 12:00pm
C.E. Credits: 3 Hours Disclosure
Cost: $20 Early / $40 Late
Type: CRPM
Instructor: Sue Flucke
Description: Early registration runs through 3/6 | Late registration after 3/6
Registration closes 3/10 by midnight
Designation Information:
CERTIFIED RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY MANAGER: Arizona REALTORS® certification program is dedicated to property management and offers classes that you can use for your real estate license renewal. This program was designed to hone your knowledge and skills in topics that relate to your day to day business as a property manager. To learn more, visit
To learn more about the GRI Designation, visit:
Date: Friday, March 15th, 2024
Time: 8:45am - 12:00pm
C.E. Credits: 3 Hours Contract Law
Cost: $20 Early / $40 Late
Type: CRPM
Instructor: Denise Holliday, Esq.
Description: Early registration runs through 3/7 | Late registration after 3/7
Registration closes 3/11 by midnight
Designation Information:
CERTIFIED RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY MANAGER: Arizona REALTORS® certification program is dedicated to property management and offers classes that you can use for your real estate license renewal. This program was designed to hone your knowledge and skills in topics that relate to your day to day business as a property manager. To learn more, visit
To learn more about the GRI Designation, visit:
When: April 11th, 2024
Where: AAR Zoom Direct to Member
Time: 12:45pm-4:00pm
CE: 3 Hours Agency
Cost: REALTOR® MEMBER - $20 Early | $40 Late | NON REALTOR® MEMBER - $40 Early | $60 Late
Early registration runs through 4/3 | Registration closes April 7th by midnight
ONLY 50 SEATS AVAILABLE | (Registrations open 30 day prior to class date)
Review the basics of agency and how to build trust with buyer clients. Learn about tools to enhance the buyer experience of working with you and ways to make you a better buyer's agent.
When: Friday, April 19th, 2024
Where: Via AAR zoom direct to member (DTM)
Time: 08:45 am - 12:00 pm
CE: 3 Legal Issues
Cost: REALTOR® Member - $20 Early / $40 Late | Non-REALTOR® Member - $40 Early | $60 Late
Early registration through 4/11 | Registration closes by midnight, 4/15
ONLY 50 SEATS AVAILABLE | (Registrations open 30 days before the class date)
This course will introduce the risk reduction theory and how to apply it to several catagories: Property Owners - Tenants - Government Legislation - Technology and Vendors/Contractors.
Designation Information
(Fulfills the LANDLORD TENANT & LEGAL ISSUES course for CRPM)
CERTIFIED RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY MANAGER: Arizona REALTORS® certification program is dedicated to property management and offers classes that you can use for your real estate license renewal. This program was designed to hone your knowledge and skills in topics that relate to your day to day business as a property manager. The curriculum was developed in concert with property management attorneys and longtime property management practitioners. To learn more, visit:
*This certification program is not affiliated with or endorsed by the National Association of REALTORS®
When: Thursday, April 25th, 2024 Friday, April 26th, 2024 ( 2 DAY EVENT )
Where: AAR Zoom Direct to Member (DTM)
Time: Thursday: 08:45 am - 12:00 pm Friday: 08:45 am - 12:00 pm
CE: 6 Legal Issues
Cost: REALTOR® Member - $59 Early / $79 Late | CRMS Graduate Discounted Fee - $40
Non REALTOR® Member - $79 Early / $99 Late
Early registration runs thru 4/17 | Registration closes by midnight on 4/21
LIMITED TO 50 SEATS AVAILABLE | (Registrations open 30 days prior to class dates)
This course addresses risk management topics and issues related to handling the financing, escrow and title aspects of real estate transactions.
While often considered traditional and fundamental parts of every transaction, the manner in which transactional financing is secured, and escrow instructions are set forth plays a critical role in how the parties’ obligations may be enforced by Arizona courts. A complete understanding of how the existing case law in Arizona serves to distinguish contractual obligations from compliance with escrow instructions is a vital element in providing the highest level of service to your clients, while reducing risk and liability for the parties, salespersons and brokers involved.
Designation Information
(Fulfills a CORE COURSE catagory for rCRMS and row 4 or 12 for GRI)
For more information on the rCRMS certification, visit:
For more information on the GRI Designation, visit:
*This certification program is not affiliated with or endorsed by the National Association of REALTORS®
When: Tuesday, April 30th, 2024
Where: AAR Zoom Direct to Member (DTM)
Time: 08:45 am - 12:00 pm
CE: 3 Hours Disclosure
Cost: REALTOR® MEMBER - $20 Early | $40 Late | NON REALTOR® MEMBER - $40 Early | $60 Late
Early registration runs through 4/22 | Registration closes April 26th by midnight
ONLY 50 SEATS AVAILABLE | (Registrations open 30 day prior to class date)
This class will address why using the Buyer Advisory is a best practice for real estate agents. It enhances the buyers understanding and satisfaction, reduces potentialrisks, and fosters a professional and trusting relationship between the byer and the agent.
When: Thursday, May 2nd, 2024 Friday, May 3rd, 2024( 2 DAY EVENT )
Where: AAR Zoom Direct to Member (DTM)
Time: Thursday 08:45 am - 12:00 pm Friday 08:45 am - 12:00 pm
CE: 3 Hours Fair Housing | 3 Hours Legal Issues
Cost: REALTOR® Member - $59 Early / $79 Late | CRMS Graduate Discounted Fee - $40
Non REALTOR® Member - $79 Early / $99 Late
Early registration runs through 4/24 | Registration closes by midnight on April 28th
LIMITED TO 50 SEATS AVAILABLE ... (Registration opens 30 days prior to class dates)
Get an interactive and detailed look at federal issues that impact a real estate transaction, including antitrust, RESPA and fair housing from a REALTOR® and an attorney perspective.
Designation Information
(Fulfills an ELECTIVE for rCRMS and row 9 for GRI)
For more information on the rCRMS certification, visit:
For more information on the GRI Designation, visit:
*This certification program is not affiliated with or endorsed by the National Association of REALTORS®
When: Thursday, May 23rd, 2024
Where: AAR Zoom Direct to Member (DTM)
Time: 12:45 pm - 04:00 pm
CE: 3 Hours Commissioner's Standards
Cost: REALTOR® Member - $20 Early / $40 Late | Non-REALTOR® Member - $40 Early | $60 Late
Early registration through 5/15 | Registration closes by midnight on 5/19
COMING SOON... | (Registrations open 30 days prior to class dates)
Are you in compliance with trust accouting regulations? This class will go over:
Designation Information
(Fulfills the ACCOUNTING course for CRPM)
CERTIFIED RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY MANAGER: Arizona REALTORS® certification program is dedicated to property management and offers classes that you can use for your real estate license renewal. This program was designed to hone your knowledge and skills in topics that relate to your day to day business as a property manager. The curriculum was developed in concert with property management attorneys and longtime property management practitioners. To learn more, visit:
*This certification program is not affiliated with or endorsed by the National Association of REALTORS®
When: Thursday, May 30th, 2024 Friday, May 31st, 2024 ( 2 DAY EVENT )
Where: AAR Zoom Direct to Member (DTM)
Time: Thursday 08:45 am - 12:00 pm Friday 08:45 am - 12:00 pm
CE: 3 Agency/ 3 Disclosure
Cost: REALTOR® Member - $59 Early | $79 Late | GRI Graduate Discounted Fee - $30
Non REALTOR® Member - $89 Early | $109 Late
Early registration runs through 5/22 | *Registration closes May 26th by midnight
ONLY 50 SEATS AVAILABLE...OPENING SOON | (Registration opens 30 days prior to class dates)
Learn the impact property issues have on a transaction and how to avoid them blowing up the deal. Understanding the pros and cons of property characteristics will help you manage the expectations of your buyer or seller.
Designation Information
(This class fulfills row 6 for GRI)
To learn more about the GRI Designation, visit:
Instructor: Don Martin
CE: Credits: 8 Contract Law/ 3 Disclosure/ 3 RE Legal Issues
Cost: REALTOR® Member - Early $89 | Late $109 | GRI Graduate Discounted Fee - $30
Non REALTOR® Member - Early $119 | Late $139
Early registration runs through 6/3 | Registration will close June 7th by midnight
ONLY 50 SEATS AVAILABLE... | (Registrations open 30 days before the class date)
Description: Maximize your value to your clients. This course covers the contract, line by line, so that you can put even the most chaotic transactions back on track to a smooth closing.
Designation Information
(This class fulfills row 10 or 12 for GRI)
To learn more about the GRI Designation, visit:
Instructor: Sally & Mike Liddicoat
Cost: REALTOR® MEMBER - $20 through 6/10 | $40 after | NON REALTOR® MEMBER - $40 through 6/10 | $60 after
Registration closes June 14th at midnight | ONLY 50 SEATS AVAILABLE
Description: Article 26 of the U.S. Constitution allows licensees to draft contracts and related forms. What would a real estate agent do without this right?
This right puts a lot of responsibility in a licensee's hands. In addition to discussing Article 26, this class will delve into how to protect your name and the right way to name your businesses. Trade names, nicknames, and company/corporate organization types will all be covered. What’s in a name matters!
CalendarDownload this event for Outlook or iCal for 2024-06-18
LocationVia ZOOM Direct to Member (DTM)
CE: 3 Legal Issues
Cost: REALTOR® Member - $20 through 6/10 / $40 after | Non-REALTOR® Member - $40 through 6/10 | $60 after
Registration closes by midnight, 6/14
ONLY 50 SEATS AVAILABLE ... | (Registration opens 30 days in advance)
Instructor: Denise Holliday, Esq.
Description: This course will review residential property maintenance issues impacting residential rentals and distinguish between landlord, property manager and tenant responsibilities/obligations according to the Landlord Tenant Act and Lease Agreement.
Designation Information
(Fulfills the ELECTIVE course for CRPM)
CERTIFIED RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY MANAGER: Arizona REALTORS® certification program is dedicated to property management and offers classes that you can use for your real estate license renewal. This program was designed to hone your knowledge and skills in topics that relate to your day to day business as a property manager. The curriculum was developed in concert with property management attorneys and longtime property management practitioners. To learn more, visit:
*This certification program is not affiliated with or endorsed by the National Association of REALTORS®
LocationVia ZOOM Direct to Member (DTM)
When: Thursday, June 20th, 2024
Time: 08:45 am - 12:00 pm
C.E. Credits: 3 Hours Contract Law
Instructor: Jan Leighton
Cost: REALTOR® MEMBER - $20 through 6/12 | $40 after | NON REALTOR® MEMBER - $40 through 6/12 | $60 after
Registration closes June 16th at midnight | ONLY 50 SEATS AVAILABLE
Description: Under "All is the Land - Dirt 101" - Learn the ins and outs of the Vacant Land/Lot Contract and how it differs from the Residential Resale Real Estate Purchase Contract.
CalendarDownload this event for Outlook or iCal for 2024-06-20
LocationVia ZOOM Direct to Member (DTM)
CODE OF ETHICS (CE: 3 Commissioner's Standards / Also meets NAR COE quadrennial requirement) (AAR ZOOM DTM)
Date: Tuesday, June 25th, 2024
Time: 07:00 am - 10:00 am
C.E. Credits: 3 Hours Commissioner's Standards / Also meets NAR COE Quadrennial Requirement
Instructor: Brent Lancaster
Cost: $29
Description: This course will review the history of the Code of Ethics as it relates to its origins, its influence on state licensing laws and its establishment of arbitration as the monetary dispute resolution process between REALTORS®. Finally, we will apply the REALTOR® Code of Ethics Articles to everyday real estate practices.
*This course is offered in partnership with: Lancaster Institute
Location: Via ZOOM Direct to Member (DTM)
Date: Tuesday, June 25th, 2024
Time: 10:30 am - 01:30 pm
C.E. Credits: 3 Hours General
Instructor: Brent Lancaster
Cost: $29
Description: Upon completion of this course, the student will be familiar with the Equal Credit Opportunity Act. This course will identify the differences and similarities between the three credit reporting agencies to know what is included and excluded in a free credit report. We will also review how to properly read a credit report, how to spot errors, and who to contact to get those errors corrected. Finally, we will investigate the truth behind many credit myths agents and borrowers have such as, “why all debt is not treated equal” and “closing old accounts will help my credit score.”
*This course is offered in partnership with: Lancaster Institute
Location: Via ZOOM Direct to Member (DTM)
Date: Monday, July 15th, 2024 - Tuesday, July 16th, 2024( 2 DAY EVENT )
Time: 08:45 am - 04:00 pm - 08:45 am - 12:00 pm
C.E. Credits: 3 Hours Commissioner's Standards each
Instructor: Laura Kovacs
Cost: REALTOR® Member - $25 single classes through 7/7 | $45 after | $59 bundle (incl. all 3) through 7/7 | $79 after
Non-REALTOR® Member - $45 single classes through 7/7 | $65 after | $79 bundle (incl. all 3) through 7/7 | $99 after
BMC #1: Statutes & Rules | 7/15, 8:45-Noon - This class provides a review of the Arizona Revised Statutes and Commissioner’s Rules as they apply to the management of a brokerage, and the oversight of licensees including disclosures, contracts, fiduciary duties, advertising, record keeping, trust account management, and employment agreements as well as compliance and risk management activities.
BMC #2: Broker Policies | 7/15, 12:45-4:00 - Explore suggested policies addressing top issues in Arizona as well as examine ADRE regulations, including the management of transaction files and storing and managing confidential data. This class will also identify key components of well-written office policies to minimize risk and clarify interpretation to better provide a clear understanding and expectations of licensees under the supervision of a broker.
BMC #3: Supervision | 7/16, 8:45-Noon - Review the duties of a broker as required by the ADRE Commissioner’s Rules, the general requirements of broker employment agreements, who is responsible for supervision, and the consequences for failing to supervise. Discuss agency relationships and identify the risks associated with different kinds of agency relationships, how they will be handled, and what the standard of care will be.
Designation Information
CERTIFIED RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY MANAGER: Arizona REALTORS® certification program is dedicated to property management and offers classes that you can use for your real estate license renewal. This program was designed to hone your knowledge and skills in topics that relate to your day-to-day business as a property manager. The curriculum was developed in concert with property management attorneys and longtime property management practitioners. To learn more, visit:
Location: Via ZOOM Direct to Member
CODE OF ETHICS (CE: 3 Commissioner's Standards | Also meets NAR COE quadrennial requirement)(AAR ZOOM DTM)
Date: Tuesday, July 16th, 2024
Time: 10:30 am - 01:30 pm
C.E. Credits: 3 Hours Commissioner's Standards / Also meets NAR COE Quadrennial Requirement
Instructor: Brent Lancaster
Cost: $29
Description: This course will review the history of the Code of Ethics as it relates to its origins, its influence on state licensing laws, and its establishment of arbitration as the monetary dispute resolution process between REALTORS®. Finally, we will apply the REALTOR® Code of Ethics Articles to everyday real estate practices.
*This course is offered in partnership with: Lancaster Institute
Location: Via ZOOM Direct to Member (DTM)
Date: Tuesday, July 23rd, 2024
Time: 08:45 am - 12:00 pm
C.E. Credits: 3 Hours Fair Housing
Instructor: Derek Anglin
Cost: REALTOR® MEMBER - $20 through 7/15 | $40 after | NON REALTOR® MEMBER - $40 through 7/15 | $60 after
Registration closes July 19th at midnight | ONLY 50 SEATS AVAILABLE
Description: Historical timeline review of fair housing, current market conditions, and instructor led simulation of NAR's Fairhaven sequence.
Location: Via ZOOM Direct to Member (DTM)
Date: Tuesday, July 23rd, 2024
Time: 12:45 pm - 04:00 pm
Location: Via zoom direct to member (DTM)
Type: CRPM
Cost: REALTOR® Member - $20 Early / $40 Late | Non-REALTOR® Member - $40 Early | $60 Late
Early registration through 7/15 | Registration closes by midnight, 7/19
C.E. Credits: 3 Hours Agency
Instructor: Sue Flucke
Mistakes can cost you a lot. Know your responsibilities before you blunder into a property management nightmare. Through real world case studies, you'll learn how to:
Designation Information
(Fulfills the AGENCY course for CRPM)
CERTIFIED RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY MANAGER: Arizona REALTORS® certification program is dedicated to property management and offers classes that you can use for your real estate license renewal. This program was designed to hone your knowledge and skills in topics that relate to your day to day business as a property manager. The curriculum was developed in concert with property management attorneys and longtime property management practitioners. To learn more, visit:
*This certification program is not affiliated with or endorsed by the National Association of REALTORS®
Date: Thursday, July 25th, 2024
Time: 12:45 pm - 04:00 pm
C.E. Credits: 3 Hours Legal Issues
Instructor: Keri Means
Cost: REALTOR® MEMBER - $20 through 7/17 | $40 after | NON REALTOR® MEMBER - $40 through 7/17 | $60 after
Registration closes July 21st at midnight | ONLY 50 SEATS AVAILABLE
Location: Via ZOOM Direct to Member (DTM)
For updates on class click the link below:
Date: Friday, August 9th, 2024
Time: 08:45 am - 12:00 pm
Location: Via ZOOM Direct to Member (DTM)
Type: CRPM
Cost: REALTOR® Member - $20 Early / $40 Late | Non REALTOR® Member - $40 Early | $60 Late
Early registration runs thru 8/1 | Registration closes by midnight, 8/5
C.E. Credits: 3 Legal Issues
Instructor: Denise Holliday, Esq.
Eventually, every property manager will have to evict a tenant. Learn how to do it properly and legally to reduce risk to you.
Designation Information
(Fulfills the Elective category for CRPM)
CERTIFIED RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY MANAGER: Arizona REALTORS® certification program is dedicated to property management and offers classes that you can use for your real estate license renewal. This program was designed to hone your knowledge and skills in topics that relate to your day to day business as a property manager. The curriculum was developed in concert with property management attorneys and longtime property management practitioners. To learn more, visit:
*This certification program is not affiliated with or endorsed by the National Association of REALTORS®
Date: Friday, August 9th, 2024
Time: 12:45 pm - 04:00 pm
Location: Via ZOOM Direct to Member (DTM)
Type: AAR Classes
C.E. Credits: 3 Hours Disclosure
Instructor: Gary Nelson
Cost: REALTOR® MEMBER - $20 through 8/1 | $40 after | NON REALTOR® MEMBER - $40 through 8/1 | $60 after
The last day to register is August 5th by midnight | ONLY 50 SEATS AVAILABLE
Students will take a deep dive into REALTORS® duties to disclose and the required disclosures in the residential purchase contract helping clients to adhere to the timelines of the BINSR process.
Date: Tuesday, August 13th, 2024, Wednesday, August 14th, 2024, Thursday, August 15th, 2024, Friday, August 16th, 2024( 4 DAY EVENT )
Time: 08:45 am - 12:00 pm, 08:45 am - 12:00 pm, 08:45 am - 12:00 pm, 08:45 am - 12:00 pm
Location: Via zoom direct to member (DTM)
Type: rCRMS Classes
C.E. Credits: 9 Hours Contract Law | 3 Hours Disclosure
Instructor: Marge Lindsay / Jesi Wolnik, Esq.
Cost: REALTOR® Member - $89 Early / $109 Late | CRMS Graduate Discounted Fee - $70 | Non REALTOR® Member - $109 Early / $129 Late
Early registration runs through 8/5 | Registration closes by midnight on 8/9
Get a detailed look at the framework that makes up the Arizona REALTORS® Residential Resale Purchase Contract, as well as other related forms and addenda often used in connection with the resale contract.
Designation Information:
(Fulfills the CONTRACT COURSE for rCRMS and row 10 or 12 for GRI)
For more information on the rCRMS certification, visit:
For more information on the GRI designation, visit:
*This certification program is not affiliated with or endorsed by the National Association of REALTORS®
Date: Tuesday, August 27th, 2024
Time: 08:45 am - 12:00 pm
Location: Via ZOOM Direct to Member (DTM)
Type: AAR Classes
Cost: REALTOR® MEMBER - $20 through 8/15 | $40 after | NON REALTOR® MEMBER - $40 through 8/15 | $60 after
The last day to register is August 23rd by midnight | ONLY 50 SEATS AVAILABLE
C.E. Credits: 3 Hours Commissioner's Standards | Also meets NAR Code of Ethics Requirement
Instructor: Butch Leiber
After the NAR settlement, agents have to change some business practices. This does NOT change anything in the world of client representation. This class will review agent responsibilities to clients, and the required changes, and will review some of the new AAR forms.
Date: Tuesday, August 27th, 2024
Time: 12:45 pm - 04:00 pm
Location: Via ZOOM Direct to Member (DTM)
Type: CRPM
Cost: REALTOR® Member - $20 Early / $40 Late | Non-REALTOR® Member - $40 Early | $60 Late
Early registration through 8/15 | Registration closes by midnight on 8/23 ONLY 50 SEATS AVAILABLE
C.E. Credits: 3 Hours TBD
Instructor: Steve Urie
This course will cover the risk reduction theory and how to apply it to several categories, which include:
Designation Information:
(Fulfills the Landlord Tenant & Legal Issues course for CRPM)
CERTIFIED RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY MANAGER: Arizona REALTORS® certification program is dedicated to property management and offers classes that you can use for your real estate license renewal. This program was designed to hone your knowledge and skills in topics that relate to your day to day business as a property manager. The curriculum was developed in concert with property management attorneys and longtime property management practitioners. To learn more, visit:
*This certification program is not affiliated with or endorsed by the National Association of REALTORS®
Date: Thursday, August 29th, 2024 | Friday, August 30th, 2024 ( 2 DAY EVENT )
Time: 08:45 am - 12:00 pm | 08:45 am - 12:00 pm
Location: Via ZOOM Direct to Member (DTM)
Type: GRI
Cost: REALTOR® Member - $59 Early | $79 Late | GRI Graduate Discounted Fee - $30 | Non REALTOR® Member - $89 Early | $109 Late
Early registration through 8/21 | Registration closes 8/25 by midnight ONLY 50 SEATS AVAILABLE
C.E. Credits: 3 Hours Commissioner's Standards / 3 Hours Legal Issues / Also meets NAR COE requirement
Instructor: Liz Hill
Let your professionalism shine. Learn how to apply the Code of Ethics in your day to day practice to enhance your professionalism.
Designation Information
(This class fulfills row 8 for GRI)
To learn more about the GRI Designation, visit:
Date: Thursday, September 12th, 2024
Time: 08:45 am - 12:00 pm
Location: AAR Via zoom direct to member (DTM)
Type: CRPM
C.E. Credits: 3 Hours Disclosure
Instructor: Steve Urie
Cost: REALTOR® Member - $20 Early / $40 Late | Non-REALTOR® Member - $40 Early | $60 Late
Early registration through 9/4 | Late registration after 9/4
Registration closes by midnight, 9/8 ONLY 50 SEATS AVAILABLE
Ever wonder if you are meeting all your duties to disclose? What duties do you have to the public? Prospective tenants? Owners? This class covers all these areas and more!
Designation Information
(Fulfills the DISCLOSURE course for CRPM)
CERTIFIED RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY MANAGER: Arizona REALTORS® certification program is dedicated to property management and offers classes that you can use for your real estate license renewal. This program was designed to hone your knowledge and skills in topics that relate to your day to day business as a property manager. The curriculum was developed in concert with property management attorneys and longtime property management practitioners. To learn more, visit:
*This certification program is not affiliated with or endorsed by the National Association of REALTORS®
Date: Thursday, September 19th, 2024
Time: 08:45 am - 12:00 pm
Location: AAR Via ZOOM Direct To Member (DTM)
Type: CRPM
C.E. Credits: 3 Hours Commissioner's Standards
Instructor: Kate Roth
Cost: REALTOR® Member - $20 Early / $40 Late | Non-REALTOR® Member - $40 Early | $60 Late
Early registration through 9/11 | Registration closes by midnight on 9/15
Are you in compliance with trust accounting regulations? This class will go over:
Designation Information
(Fulfills the ACCOUNTING course for CRPM)
CERTIFIED RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY MANAGER: Arizona REALTORS® certification program is dedicated to property management and offers classes that you can use for your real estate license renewal. This program was designed to hone your knowledge and skills in topics that relate to your day to day business as a property manager. The curriculum was developed in concert with property management attorneys and longtime property management practitioners. To learn more, visit:
*This certification program is not affiliated with or endorsed by the National Association of REALTORS®
Date: Tuesday, September 24th, 2024
Time: 08:45 am - 12:00 pm
Location: AAR Via ZOOM Direct to Member (DTM)
Type: AAR Classes
C.E. Credits: 3 Hours Disclosure
Instructor: Sally and Mike Liddicoat
Cost: REALTOR® Member - $20 Early / $40 Late | Non REALTOR® Member - $40 Early | $60 Late
Early registration through 9/16 | Registration closes September 20th by midnight
Laying the groundwork for the road ahead… As a real estate agent, you owe certain fiduciary duties to your client – one being disclosure. Learn how to incorporate various disclosure documents while conducting a Buyer Consultation.
Date: Tuesday, September 24th, 2024
Time: 12:45 pm - 04:00 pm
Location: AAR Via ZOOM Direct To Member (DTM)
Type: CRPM
C.E. Credits: 3 Hours Fair Housing
Instructor: Mike Tiers
Cost: REALTOR® Member - $20 Early / $40 Late | Non-REALTOR® Member - $40 Early | $60 Late
Early registration through 9/16 | Registration closes by midnight on 9/20
Property managers must comply with fair housing laws.
Get a thorough understanding of the federal and state laws regulating fair housing. Explore the various laws every property manager and real estate licensee must understand to protect your life and your business.
Can you differentiate between violations and exemptions? If not, attend this course and find out.
Designation Information
(Fulfills the FAIR HOUSING course for CRPM)
CERTIFIED RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY MANAGER: The Arizona REALTORS® certification program is dedicated to property management and offers classes that you can use for your real estate license renewal. This program was designed to hone your knowledge and skills in topics that relate to your day to day business as a property manager. The curriculum was developed in concert with property management attorneys and longtime property management practitioners. To learn more, visit:
*This certification program is not affiliated with or endorsed by the National Association of REALTORS®
Date: Thursday, September 26th, 2024 | Friday, September 27th, 2024( 2 DAY EVENT )
Time: 08:45 am - 12:00 pm | 08:45 am - 12:00 pm
Location: AAR Via zoom direct to member (DTM)
Type: rCRMS Classes
C.E. Credits: 6 Hours Legal Issues
Cost: REALTOR® Member - $59 Early / $79 Late | CRMS Graduate Discounted Fee - $40 |Non REALTOR® Member - $79 Early / $99 Late
Early registration runs through 9/18 | Registration closes by midnight on 9/22
50 SEATS AVAILABLE ... COMING SOON | (Registrations open 30 days prior to class dates)
Learn how transactional financing is secured, how escrow instructions are set forth and their critical role in how the parties' obligations may be enforced in court.
Designation Information
(Fulfills a CORE COURSE catagory for rCRMS and row 4 or 12 for GRI)
For more information on the rCRMS certification, visit:
For more information on the GRI Designation, visit:
*This certification program is not affiliated with or endorsed by the National Association of REALTORS®
Date: Thursday, October 3rd, 2024 | Friday, October 4th, 2024 ( 2 DAY EVENT )
Time: 08:45 am - 12:00 pm | 08:45 am - 12:00 pm
Location: AAR Via ZOOM Direct to Member (DTM)
Type: rCRMS Classes
C.E. Credits: 6 Hours Disclosure
Instructor: Kathy Laswick | Michelle Lind, Esq.
Cost: REALTOR® Member - $59 Early / $79 Late | CRMS Graduate Discounted Fee - $40 | Non REALTOR® Member - $79 Early / $99 Late
Early registration runs through 9/25 | Registration closes by midnight on 9/29
50 SEATS AVAILABLE...COMING SOON | (Registrations open 30 days prior to classes)
Explore how to fulfill your disclosure obligations in a real estate transaction and explore the due diligence responsibilities of the parties from a REALTOR® and an attorney perspective.
Designation Information
(Fulfills a CORE course for rCRMS and Row 12 for GRI)
For more information on the rCRMS certification, visit:
For more information on the GRI designation, visit:
*This certification program is not affiliated with or endorsed by the National Association of REALTORS®
Date: Thursday, November 7th, 2024
Time: 08:45 am - 12:00 pm
Location: AAR Via ZOOM Direct to Member (DTM)
Type: CRPM
C.E. Credits: 3 Commissioner's Standards | Also meets NAR COE requirement
Instructor: Mike Tiers
Cost: REALTOR® Member - $20 Early / $40 Late | Non REALTOR® Member - $40 Early / $60 Late
Early registration through 10/30 | Registration closes at midnight, 10/28
ONLY 50 SEATS AVAILABLE | (Registrations open 30 days in advance)
Do you think the NAR Code of Ethics doesn’t apply to property management? You’d be wrong. The NAR Code of Ethics applies to your day to day activity in countless ways and violating it can be costly.
Designation Information
(Fulfills the CODE OF ETHICS course for CRPM)
CERTIFIED RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY MANAGER: Arizona REALTORS® certification program is dedicated to property management and offers classes that you can use for your real estate license renewal. This program was designed to hone your knowledge and skills in topics that relate to your day to day business as a property manager. The curriculum was developed in concert with property management attorneys and longtime property management practitioners. To learn more, visit:
*This certification program is not affiliated with or endorsed by the National Association of REALTORS®
Date: Thursday, November 14th, 2024 | Friday, November 15th, 2024 ( 2 DAY EVENT )
Time: 08:45 am - 12:00 pm | 08:45 am - 12:00 pm
Location: AAR Via ZOOM Direct to Member (DTM)
Type: GRI
C.E. Credits: 6 Hours General
Instructor: Patrick Ritchie
Cost: REALTOR® Member - $59 Early | $79 Late | GRI Graduate Discounted Fee - $30
Non REALTOR® Member - $89 Early | $109 Late
Early registration through 11/6 | Registration closes 11/10 by midnight
ONLY 50 SEATS AVAILABLE...OPENING SOON | (Registrations open 30 days prior to class dates)
Do you understand financing enough to help your clients through the real estate transaction? This course will cover the life cycle of the loan process from pre-qualification through close of escrow.
Designation Information
(This class fulfills row 4 or 12 for GRI)
To learn more about the GRI Designation, visit:
Date: Thursday, November 21st, 2024 | Friday, November 22nd, 2024 ( 2 DAY EVENT )
Time: 09:00 am - 12:00 pm | 09:00 am - 12:00 pm
Location: AAR Via ZOOM Direct to Member (DTM)
Type: rCRMS Classes
C.E. Credits: 3 Hours Fair Housing | 3 Hours Legal Issues
Instructor: Marge Lindsay / Jesi Wolnik, Esq.
Cost: REALTOR® Member - $59 Early / $79 Late | Non REALTOR® Member - $79 Early / $99 Late
Early registration runs through 11/13 | Registration closes by midnight, 11/17
Get an interactive and detailed look at federal issues that impact a real estate transaction, including antitrust, RESPA, and fair housing from a REALTOR® and an attorney perspective.
Designation Information
(Fulfills an ELECTIVE for rCRMS and row 9 for GRI)
For more information on the rCRMS certification, visit:
For more information on the GRI Designation, visit:
*This certification program is not affiliated with or endorsed by the National Association of REALTORS®
Date: Thursday, December 5th, 2024 | Friday, December 6th, 2024 ( 2 DAY EVENT )
Time: 08:45 am - 12:00 pm | 08:45 am - 12:00 pm
Location: AAR Via ZOOM Direct to Member (DTM)
Type: GRI
C.E. Credits: 3 Hours Agency / 3 Hours Disclosure
Instructor: Sally & Mike Liddicoat
Cost: REALTOR® Member - $59 Early | $79 Late | GRI Graduate Discounted Fee - $30 | Non REALTOR® Member - $89 Early | $109 Late
Early registration through 11/27 | Registration closes 12/1 by midnight
ONLY 50 SEATS AVAILABLE...OPENING SOON | (Registrations open 30 days prior to class dates)
Learn the impact property issues have on a transaction and how to avoid them blowing up the deal. Understanding the pros and cons of property characteristics will help you manage the expectations of your buyer or seller.
Designation Information
(This class fulfills row 6 for GRI)
To learn more about the GRI Designation, visit:
Date: Thursday, December 5th, 2024 | Friday, December 6th, 2024 ( 2 DAY EVENT )
Time: 08:45 am - 12:00 pm | 08:45 am - 12:00 pm
Location: Via ZOOM Direct to Member (DTM)
Type: GRI
Cost: REALTOR® Member - $59 Early | $79 Late | GRI Graduate Discounted Fee - $30 | Non REALTOR® Member - $89 Early | $109 Late
Early registration through 11/27 | Registration closes 12/1 by midnight
ONLY 50 SEATS AVAILABLE...OPENING SOON | (Registrations open 30 days prior to class dates)
C.E. Credits: 3 Hours Agency / 3 Hours Disclosure
Instructor: Sally & Mike Liddicoat
Learn the impact property issues have on a transaction and how to avoid them blowing up the deal. Understanding the pros and cons of property characteristics will help you manage the expectations of your buyer or seller.
Designation Information
(This class fulfills row 6 for GRI)
To learn more about the GRI Designation, visit:
**Please note this is a New Member Contracts class, so it is free to new LHAR Members completing new member requirements, however, there is a $10 fee for existing LHAR Members.**
Date: Thursday, December 12th, 2024
Time: 09:00 am - 12:30 pm
Location: AAR Via ZOOM Direct to Member (DTM)
Type: CRPM
Cost: Early registration General registration Registration closes by midnight, 12/8
C.E. Credits: 3 Hours TBD
Instructor: Guest Speakers: Sue Flucke / Denise Holliday, Esq.
The Property Management Summit gives you an opportunity to learn and discover current issues and uncover industry insights to minimize your business risks as well as navigate common issues you face with landlords and tenants.
The line up of speakers are:
Designation Information
(Fulfills the Landlord Tenant & Legal Issues Course for CRPM)
CERTIFIED RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY MANAGER (CRPM): Arizona REALTORS® certification program is dedicated to property management and offers classes that you can use for your real estate license renewal. This program was designed to hone your knowledge and skills in topics that relate to your day to day business as a property manager. The curriculum was developed in concert with property management attorneys and longtime property management practitioners. To learn more, visit:
Cost: REALTOR® Member - $69 through 1/15 | $89
After Non REALTOR® Member - $89 through 1/15 | $109 After
Registration will close by midnight on January 19, 2025
Date: Thursday, January 23rd, 2025 | Friday, January 24th, 2025 ( 2 DAY EVENT )
Time: 12:45 pm - 04:00 pm | 08:00 am - 12:00 pm
Location: AAR Via ZOOM direct to member (DTM)
Type: CRPM | C.E. Credits: 3 Hours Disclosure / 3 Hours Contract Law
Instructor: Denise Holliday, Esq. / Mike Mulvena
Cancellation Policy: Cancellations received by January 13, 2025, will be refunded less a $25 admin fee. Cancellations received after January 13, 2025, are not eligible for any refund. No-shows forfeit all fees.
NOTE: Students must complete the Property Management Bootcamp (6 HR class) OR have been in Property Management for 3 years or more to register for the Advanced Property Management Bootcamp class.
To succeed in property management, it is essential that you understand:
Designation Information
CERTIFIED RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY MANAGER: Arizona REALTORS® certification program is dedicated to property management and offers classes that you can use for your real estate license renewal. This program was designed to hone your knowledge and skills in topics that relate to your day to day business as a property manager. To learn more, visit
Date: Thursday, February 13th, 2025 | Friday, February 14th, 2025 ( 2 DAY EVENT )
Time: 08:45 am - 12:00 pm | 08:00 am - 12:00 pm
Location: Via ZOOM direct to member (DTM)
Type: rCRMS Classes
Cost: REALTOR® Member - $59 through 2/5 | $79 After | CRMS Graduate - $40
Non REALTOR® Member - $79 through 2/5 | $99 After
Registration will close February 9, 2025 by midnight ONLY 50 SEATS AVAILABLE
C.E. Credits: 3 Hours Fair Housing | 3 Hours Legal Issues
Instructor: Michelle Lind, Esq. / Marge Lindsay
Cancellation Policy: Cancellations received by Februay 3, 2025, will be refunded less a $25 admin fee. Cancellations received after February 3, 2025, are not eligible for any refund. No-shows forfeit all fees.
Get an interactive and detailed look at federal issues that impact a real estate transaction, including antitrust, RESPA, and fair housing from an attorney and REALTOR® perspective.
Designation Information
(Fulfills an ELECTIVE courses for CRMS and row 9 for GRI)
For more information on the CRMS certification, visit:
For more information on the GRI Designation, visit:
*This certification program is not affiliated with or endorsed by the National Association of REALTORS®
Date: Thursday, February 13th, 2025 | Friday, February 14th, 2025 ( 2 DAY EVENT )
Time: 08:45 am - 12:00 pm | 08:00 am - 12:00 pm
Location: Via ZOOM direct to member (DTM)
Type: rCRMS Classes
Cost: REALTOR® Member - $59 through 2/5 | $79 After | CRMS Graduate - $40
Non REALTOR® Member - $79 through 2/5 | $99 After
Registration will close February 9, 2025 by midnight ONLY 50 SEATS AVAILABLE
C.E. Credits: 3 Hours Fair Housing | 3 Hours Legal Issues
Instructor: Michelle Lind, Esq. / Marge Lindsay
Cancellation Policy: Cancellations received by Februay 3, 2025, will be refunded less a $25 admin fee. Cancellations received after February 3, 2025, are not eligible for any refund. No-shows forfeit all fees.
Get an interactive and detailed look at federal issues that impact a real estate transaction, including antitrust, RESPA, and fair housing from an attorney and REALTOR® perspective.
Designation Information
(Fulfills an ELECTIVE courses for CRMS and row 9 for GRI)
For more information on the CRMS certification, visit:
For more information on the GRI Designation, visit:
*This certification program is not affiliated with or endorsed by the National Association of REALTORS®
Date: Thursday, February 13th, 2025 | Friday, February 14th, 2025 ( 2 DAY EVENT )
Time: 08:45 am - 12:00 pm | 08:00 am - 12:00 pm
Location : Via ZOOM - Arizona REALTORS®
C.E. Credits: 3 Hours Fair Housing | 3 Hours Legal Issues
InstructorMichelle Lind, Esq. / Marge Lindsay
Type: rCRMS Classes
Cost: REALTOR® Member - $59 through 2/5/2025 | $79 After | CRMS Graduate - $40 | Non REALTOR® Member - $79 through 2/5/2025 | $99 After
Registration will close February 9, 2025 by midnight
Cancellation Policy: Cancellations received by Februay 3, 2025, will be refunded less a $25 admin fee. Cancellations received after February 3, 2025, are not eligible for any refund. No-shows forfeit all fees.
Get an interactive and detailed look at federal issues that impact a real estate transaction, including antitrust, RESPA, and fair housing from an attorney and REALTOR® perspective.
Designation Information
(Fulfills an ELECTIVE courses for CRMS and row 9 for GRI)
For more information on the CRMS certification, visit:
For more information on the GRI Designation, visit:
*This certification program is not affiliated with or endorsed by the National Association of REALTORS®
Date: Thursday, February 20th, 2025
Time: 08:45 am - 12:00 pm
Location: Via ZOOM - Arizona REALTORS®
Type: CRPM
Cost: REALTOR® Member - $20 through 2/12/2025 / $40 After | Non-REALTOR® Member - $40 through 2/12/2025 | $60 After
*Registration closes by midnight, 2/16/2025
Cancellation Policy: Cancellations received before February 10, 2025, will be refunded less a $10 admin fee. Cancellations received after February 10, 2025, are not eligible for any refund. No-shows forfeit all fees.
This course will review residential property maintenance issues impacting residential rentals and distinguish between landlord, property manager and tenant responsibilities/obligations according to the Landlord Tenant Act and Lease Agreement.
Designation Information
(Fulfills the ELECTIVE course for CRPM)
CERTIFIED RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY MANAGER: Arizona REALTORS® certification program is dedicated to property management and offers classes that you can use for your real estate license renewal. This program was designed to hone your knowledge and skills in topics that relate to your day to day business as a property manager. The curriculum was developed in concert with property management attorneys and longtime property management practitioners. To learn more, visit:
*This certification program is not affiliated with or endorsed by the National Association of REALTORS®