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Month Flat Week Day
Saturday, March 25, 2023 10:00 am - 11:00 am
1 Hour
REALTOR® Olympics Hava Parker Poker Run

*Ride or Drive what you got Poker Run from Havasu to Parker!
Saturday, March 25th
Meet up at starting point at 10:00 AM
Meet at final stop by 1:30 PM
*$20 per hand, no limit
*Open to the Public
*Starting point will be at Premier Title Agency | 2265 Swanson Ave Ste. A
*Stop #2: Havasu Springs Dining
*Stop #3: Foxes Floating Bar
*Stop #4: Pirates Den - Pirate Ship
*Stop #5 & Final Stop: Whiskey River Saloon
-All proceeds go to back to local charities in both Lake Havasu and Parker!
-50/50 Raffle, Gift Basket Raffles and more!
-If you are looking to donate a prize or sponsor please contact event chairs.
*To purchase hands and register ahead, use the QR code on flyer.
For questions, to sponsor or more information please contact event chairs:
*Amber Parker (928)916-3409 or Rey De Leon (928)916-9415